Our referencing and verification process is an independent and proprietary method that objectively confirms the unique ‘fit’ for a specific corporate team by:
We do not have a vested interest in the placement of a candidate; rather we are vested in ensuring that your new executive has the leadership skills, record of accomplishments, and personal characteristics to excel in your environment. The process is proven and delivers a higher long-term success rate in the selection and retention of top executives.
The costs of a bad hire can be substantial, perhaps even disastrous. Hiring and retaining top talent is key to delivering corporate objectives. Businesses devote massive budgets and time to recruiting top talent. The success rate of these new hires and promotions hinges upon objectivity and clarity about past performance and alignment with the current job spec.
Too often, candidates are hired without a thorough, unbiased verification of how their accomplishments and skills fit the new position and the company. Assessment of management talent, even through repeat interviews, often only gives a one-sided perspective, and too often, introduces bias by each interviewer.
ER helps corporate management and investors protect the integrity of their vision and mission through a proprietary, independent process that redefines ‘checking references’.